About Eagle Eye Golf Coaching
Founder and CEO James Fish is a certified USGTF (United States Golf Teachers Federation) golf instructor and performance coach who has worked in the Golf Industry since 1999. 

James is also a certified hypnotherapist from the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis in Santa Rosa and holds a Masters Degree in Transformative Arts from JFK University. He employs his knowledge of Buddhist and Shamanic thought in his teaching methodology. Addressing both the inner and outer game, James directs his students to develop their focus using his uniquely designed exercises and techniques.

James is currently a Club Fitting Specialist for World Wide Golf and teaches at the Foxtail Golf Club in Rohnert Park, California. 

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Improve your game today!
For information on private lessons, rates, and times call 707-548-2664 or send me email to
Here's what others are saying about Eagle Eye Golf Coaching:
"I am now hitting my irons and my woods 20 to 25 yards further. James' instruction in Golf fundamentals has made me a better golfer for sure."
Ryan Kondratieff
"I used to be terrible out of bunkers. I feared the sand more than anyone should. But after two lessons with James on proper sand-
bunker technique, I am no longer fearing the sand. I now look forward to sand shots with more confidence than ever before."
Ken Mutz
"A playing lesson with James Fish is a great investment for any golfer. I learned a whole lot the day I played with James, especially watching him and his unique approaches to different kinds of shots. Everything from ball position to half shots to proper grip pressure to breathing and visualization before every shot; all of his instruction helped me immensely. I highly recommend his lessons."          
Andrew Emer
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"After working with James I finally discovered the power slot. I never knew how to draw a golf ball from right to left. I now know how to hit from inside-out rather than from outside-in. As a result I am hitting my 9-iron as far as I used to hit my 7-iron! Thank you James Fish!! 

                                                                                Robert Chown

"James has helped me become a functional and decent golfer. Most of all he has helped me to "feel the force..."rather than force the feel. With this thought in mind I am learning how to swing effectively through the impact zone rather than slapping into it. James has really helped me to understand the concept of lower body rotation and creating balance." 
                                                Bill Clarke
"I have been a chronic slicer of the golf ball for over thirty years. I finally decided to seek out James for help. With a few key adjustments to my grip, grip pressure, ball position and alignment things started to improve. James also helped me to better understand the concept of proper rotation and now I am doing a much better job of getting more fully onto my left side. No question I am compressing the ball better, hitting it farther and not slicing it like I used to."
                                                 Mike Sheehan
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